310 West 14th North Street, NY
(+1) 88 700 600

Rotaract Club

About Rotaract Club

Rotaract is an international organization of service clubs for men and women aged 18-30 that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship, encourages high ethical standards in business and promotes international understanding and peace.

Rotaract is a program of Rotary International. Rotaract Clubs work under the guidance of their local Rotary Club, and take their name from a combination of the words Rotary and action. 

The first officially chartered Rotaract Club was in North Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1968, but clubs of young people associated in service with local Rotary Clubs had existed for several years in India and Europe.

Today, there are some 165,000 members in more than 7,000 Rotaract Clubs in 151 countries. Clubs draw members from the community or are organized as an extracurricular activity for college students.

Rotaract Clubs conduct formal meetings, usually every two weeks, which feature speakers, tours of local businesses, cultural activities, discussions, and visits to other clubs. 

Rotaractors utilize weekends for service project work, social events, and professional and leadership development workshops.

Every Rotaract Club is part of a district Rotaract organization, run by elected representatives with support from sponsoring Rotarians. The district organization plans regional conferences, develops regional projects, holds club leadership training programs, and sponsors special events to strengthen the bond among clubs.

Rotaract functions internationally through a committee of Rotaractors and Rotarians. This committee works with Rotary International to plan an annual two days-long forum held prior to the Rotary international convention. This event offers Rotaractors from all over the world the chance to meet, discuss issues of mutual interest, and develop friendships based on international goodwill and understanding. 

Every three years Rotaractors conduct another international meeting called Interota, named from the words international and Rotaract.

Rotaract Club Members

Sl.No. Name of the Office Bearer’s List Designation
1 Rtr. G. Manikandan President
2 Rtr. K. Anusiya Secretary
3 Rtr. P. Sathyapriyan Vice President
4 Rtr. V. Santhiya Joint Secretary
5 Rtr. C. Gayathri Treasurer
6 Rtr. B. Krishnakumar Joint Treasurer
7 Rtr. A. Gangadevi Srg at Arms
8 Rtr. K. Praveenkumar P.R.O
9 Rtr. Parimal Club Service
10 Rtr. P. Yamuna Community Service Director
11 Rtr. A. Vimalpandi Director for professional development
12 Rtr. S. Pandipriya Director for International Understanding
13 Rtr. R. Ashokkumar Editor

Vision Mission


The mission of Rotaract Club is to provide an opportunity for men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.


Service above self.

The goals of Rotaract
  • To develop professional and leadership skills.
  • To emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual.
  • To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve.
  • To recognize, practice and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities.
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide.
  • To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill to all people.
Four Avenues for Effective Functioning
  • Club Service
  • Community Service
  • Professional Service
  • International Service
Name of the Coordinators

Mr. S.Bhuvanesh Assistant Professor



Dr.Ajith selvan

I am happy to welcome you. Being the current world not a speedy track, the responsibility of creating a high-quality educational institution is challenging and distended with a mass of enterprises which endorse them over prolonged time span. In this situation, the education plays an utmost role in molding, shaping and making youngsters to face the challenges of the future world. The Sudharsan College of Arts and Science is an outstanding institution providing education to the student’s community with the only purpose of empowering them to become dynamic citizens of the nation. We are eager to build up the latest infrastructure and learning resources. We endeavor to give you the best possible in campus life. A conductive academic environment and an outstanding qualified faculty are the twilights of this noble institution. Students who have the opportunity to study in our institutions are provided with top class facilities on balance with the best in the country. However the main focus of the Institution is to enhance our students with complete overall knowledge, wisdom, practical exposure and training at the academic level.


Dr.Ajith selvan

I am happy to welcome you. Being the current world not a speedy track, the responsibility of creating a high-quality educational institution is challenging and distended with a mass of enterprises which endorse them over prolonged time span. In this situation, the education plays an utmost role in molding, shaping and making youngsters to face the challenges of the future world. The Sudharsan College of Arts and Science is an outstanding institution providing education to the student’s community with the only purpose of empowering them to become dynamic citizens of the nation. We are eager to build up the latest infrastructure and learning resources. We endeavor to give you the best possible in campus life. A conductive academic environment and an outstanding qualified faculty are the twilights of this noble institution. Students who have the opportunity to study in our institutions are provided with top class facilities on balance with the best in the country. However the main focus of the Institution is to enhance our students with complete overall knowledge, wisdom, practical exposure and training at the academic level.


Our Values

01Student Success & Completion

Meeting student needs by creating an educational environment in which students can attain a variety of goals.


Maintaining a high standard of integrity and performance leading to the achievement of academic and career goals.


Seeking input from all sectors of the college and the community.


Fostering a learning community in which the diverse values, goals, and learning styles of all students are recognized and supported.

05Life-Long Learning

Encouraging enthusiastic, independent thinkers and learners striving for personal growth.


Behaving ethically in all interactions at all levels.